About the Swiharts

Meet Roger Swihart and his pet Watusi, Charlie. Together they make quite the selling pair!
Roger’s no ordinary salesman. Ask many of his happy customers he’s had over the past 40 years. He’s known for going the extra mile when it comes to service after the sale. After being national salesman for Spray Innovations, Roger and his wife Mary Jane purchased the company in 2008. Roger turned 71 this year so decided to sell Spray Innovations. Roger enjoys fishing, hunting Morel Mushrooms and gardening. His wife Mary Jane (an R.N) is secretary for the business. In the front of their warehouse Mary Jane has had weekly garage sales to raise money for “Bundles of Love” — a charity project with the goal of warming cold children in the world. She is currently in the process of closing due to her metastatic cancer diagnosis.
Every 3 years for the past 21 years. Roger has enjoyed a fishing trip to Canada with his son Lee and other family and friends sponsored by the SI Feeder Wagon Company. On one of the trips they announced that Roger was their top S.I. feeder wagon salesman in the US.

Mary & Roger in Haiti visiting family that was working for Water for Life